The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.
  • 2018-9-15
    Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer-ultramicroscanning with SEA

    Although at the moment the basic methods of pulmonary affections diagnostics at lymphomas are traditional radiological research and CТ, according to received data examination of new and repeatedly sur

  • 2018-9-10
    Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer plays a big role

    The main advantages of nonlinear diagnostics for a doctor in sports medicine are: 1. Quickness of a complex evaluation of a sportsman health condition. 2. Visualization of muscles tone disbalance. 3.

  • 2018-9-4
    Our company have the newest version of Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer software

    There were several basic inducing reasons of this search: 1. Periodically carried out standard clinical and functional tests showed normal condition in the overwhelming majority of sportsmen. However

  • 2018-9-1
    The newest Bioplasm 9d nls-you need it

    Thus, Bioplasm 9d nls-research with NLS-ultramicroscanning is a promising method of sports trauma diagnostics, allowing to reveal the damages of muscles which are not diagnosed by other methods; and a

  • 2018-8-21
    The famous of Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer

    At the present day a common classification of muscles traumas is not available. But we believe, that among many existing, the most comprehensible is V. Krejci and P. Koch classification (1976), which

  • 2018-8-20
    Bioplasm 9d nls-research of soft tissues and peripheral nerves

    At the presence of complaints about pain in soft tissues of separate segments of a body or presence of palpated neoplasm, it is necessary to send patients to Bioplasm 9d nls-research to exclude tumors

  • 2018-8-14
    Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer are used for kidney vessel

    In 10 (66.7%) cases at Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer-ultramicroscanning mode affection of vessels was revealed at the edges of tumors. Here is a clinical case of Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer-diagnostics. From

  • 2018-8-13
    Bioplasm 9d nls-scanning in a 3D-Tissue mode with NLS-ultramicroscanning

    When changes in a nerve tissue were revealed, we added into research report Bioplasm 9d nls-scanning in a 3D-Tissue mode with NLS-ultramicroscanning of morphological structures in a zone of interest.

  • 2018-8-9
    The latest of Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer

    Neurofibroma (fibroneuroma) is a benign tumor of a peripheral nerve developing from Schwann cells and fibroblasts, more often located on a surface, in depth or under a layer of hypoderm. Single neurof

  • 2018-8-8
    The application of modern Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer-technologies

    Thus, the application of modern Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer-technologies in case of acute pancreatitis both considerably expands the possibilities of timely and authentic diagnostics of destructive forms

  • 2018-8-4
    Bioplasm 9d nls-graphic picture of haemorrhagic pancreatonecrosis

    Bioplasm 9d nls-graphic picture of haemorrhagic pancreatonecrosis was diagnosed in 54 (22,8 %) of patients. It was characterized by gland affection more than 70 %. Pancreatic gland had raised chromoge

  • 2018-8-2
    The most popular Bioplasm 9d nls analyzer

    Affection of the whole gland was registered in 27 % of patients, the head was affected only in 35,6 % of patients, in 9,3 % only body and in 11 % only tail of pancreatic gland was affected. In rest of

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