The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

17d nls can test human body health

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2019-01-18

The main difference between chronic abscess and acute one was a presence of moderately chromogenic wall which was more distinctly visualized at the level of air content in the upper part of a cavity and less distinctly – in the lower part against the background of hyperchromogenic purulent exudate with suspensions. A wall had homogeneous chromogenic structure (4 points at Fleindler’s scale), even thickness (up to 8 mm), distinct external and indistinct internal contours.

The greatest diagnostic difficulty was represented by pseudo-tumorous form of chronic abscess, which had, as a rule, homogeneous hyperchromogenic structure because of dense purulent content and distinct contour imitating peripheral lung cancer. Etiology of a nidus was defined by SEA results and confirmed by puncture biopsy.

17d nls cantest human body health,it can improve human body health.

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