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A risk of haemorrhagic complications in patients with hemoblastoses

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2019-08-02

Invasive pulmonary aspergilliosis (IPA) is the most severe form of the disease, when dissemination of the process into other organs (CNS, parenchymatous organs of abdominal cavity) is possible. Often the first symptom of invasive mycotic infection is a fever, refractory to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Absence of a result at treatment with antibacterial preparations at clinical picture of acute pneumonia in patients with expressed immune suppression must be regarded as a possibility of IPA development. When such clinical manifestations are registered diagnostic maneuvers must be fulfilled. Speed and intensity of IPA manifestations depend on degree of immune suppression. IPA signs reveal themselves distinctly after granulocytopaenia, Sometimes IPA diagnosis may be made basing on results of a biopsy only, but a risk of haemorrhagic complications in patients with hemoblastoses may be one of barriers for biopsy.

bioplasm 9d nls can test human body health,and can improve human body health.

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