The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

Bioplasm nls health analyzer Functions

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2023-07-06

(1) The disease pathology and tissue damage analysis (Pathomorphology):
Can understand the current cause tissue damage is what disease or predisposition, or has caused damage to the tissue is what disease or condition.
(2) The viruses and bacteria and parasites of injury and activity analysis (Microorganisms & Helminths):
Can understand the current cause tissue damage that is what viruses, bacteria or parasites, and can analyze in vivo activity of the microorganisms present state; also assess the organs, currently relatively self-protection function and immune function status.
(3) The allergen analysis (Allergens):
Learn about the organization of the cells or genes which ingredients (from food, household goods, or chemicals) have a higher sensitivity to frequency response.
(4) The beneficial and discomfort of food or nutritional analysis (Foods) (Nutriceuticals & Parapharmaceuticals):
Learn what kind of food to a part of the body cells and gene organization is beneficial or not appropriate.
(5) The applicable drug and condition analysis (Allopathy) (Phytotherapy) (Homeopathy):
Can understand the hurt of the tissue, the current pharmaceutical ingredients in what is the most appropriate treatment, but also to understand the current relative to the tissue damage caused by what kind of diseases or conditions.
(6) The condition of the tissue biochemical balance analysis (Biochemical homeostasis):
Can understand the cell area of the organization, the level of the current state of biochemical reactions in order to understand the pathological conditions in the area; also alternatively recommend biochemical test items.
(7) Cells of an organ or tissue damage extent analysis (Organopreparations):
Can understand the cell area of the organization, the current situation is the initial functional damage, or has reached the extent of structural damage (ie ultrasound, MRI or CT can already be detected).

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