The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

IPA was diagnosed with spectral-entropic analysis

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-11-14

In 98.6% of patients IPA was diagnosed with spectral-entropic analysis. In affection nidi a high spectral similarity to “Aspergillus fumigatus” etalon (D<0.425) was found. At the early stages of IPA development high body temperature, more than 38, refractory to antibiotics, was registered in 54 (98%) cases, couching – in 34 (62%), pneumorrhagia – in 13 (24%). 13 (34%) patients complained about pain in thoracic region. Dissemination of the process, revealed by SEA, was registered in 3 (5%) patients, at the same time in all of them cerebral affection was diagnosed. During the study 14 (26%) patients died. In one case we registered self-recovery of the patient, in which IPA developed against the background of normal immunity.

Bioplasm 9D NLS can test human body health,it is useful for us.

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