The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

Introduction of three-dimensional reconstruction at Bioplasm nls software

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-07-16

Introduction of three-dimensional reconstruction at Bioplasm nls software, especially at application of high-frequency devices of Metatron class manufactured by the IPP, can give morphological evaluation of gastrointestinal tract wall condition.

Bioplasm nls software has prospects for allpication not only in major regional centers, but at early stages of medical assistance as well. Appearance of new equipment will stimulate and extend areas of Bioplasm nls software application. The evidence of this is a breakthrough made by IPP (Institute of Practical Psychophysics) in 2008. For the first time a system for non-linear diagnostics Bioplasm nls software capable of creating of three-dimensional reconstruction in real-time mode, was introduced in the market.

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