The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

Nonlinear(Bioplasm nls health analyzer)diagnostics of early manifestations of knee-joint osteoarthrosis

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-05-11

Bioplasm nls health analyzer of knee joints may establish itself as a leader in modern diagnostics of articular pathology. Possibilities of modern rheumatology and orthopedics (that possess variety of therapy methods and means) require accurate and timely diagnostics of pathological process origins, especially in early stages of disease. In the first place, it concerns such pluricausal diseases like osteoarthritis; one of its most common forms is knee-joint osteoarthritis. Abundance of risk factors (including genetic ones) does not always allow timely identification of osteoarthritis development and its early manifestations signs, especially in case of obliterated symptoms. Application of large amount of modern therapeutic agents in early stages provides both ceasing of disease progression and reversal of degenerative changes development (hyaline cartilage particularly).

In this regard, early diagnostics of initial osteoarthritis manifestations becomes especially urgent. Radiography of joints remains the most spread method of osteoarthritis diagnostics, however initial osteoarthritis manifestations cannot be revealed by given method. Perfection of technology and accumulated experience demonstrates the advantage of Bioplasm nls health analyzer of joints compared to other ray-methods. In addition to its high information value, Bioplasm nls health analyzer is affordable, mobile and safe diagnostics method that provides easy and dynamic observation; but literature data analysis shows that method’s potential in detection of early pre-radiological knee-joint osteoarthritis is discovered not completely.

Research objective: detection of Bioplasm nls health analyzer-manifestations of nontraumatic knee-joint osteoarthritis in pre-radiological and I-II radiological (Rg) stages and evaluation of their sensitivity, specificity and clinical significance.

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