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Nonlinear diagnostic and metatherapy-Bioplasm machine

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2019-11-22

The great nonlinear detection of human health: quantum medicine

We speak of quantum medicine more and more. Quantum physics has changed our notion of classical Newtonian physics. Over these last decades, the quantum idea have been altering the paradigms of medicine and psychology.
We owe this fantastic breakthrough in improving our welfare and health to Russian scientists. Considering Russia is located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, and concerning the scientific level, Russia acts as a connecting link between occidental (allopathy) and oriental (Chinese, Ajurvedic etc.) medicines. This wonderful synergy is best known as quantum medicine.
Let’s get more detail about the works of two Russian physicists: Vladimir Nesterov’s and Vadim Zeland’s.
Vladimir Igorevitch Nesterov is a member of the Academy of Medical Science and Technology. He is the inventor of the nonlinear diagnostics system based on the logic of quantum entropy as well as the work of his uncle, soviet physicist Svyatoslav Pavlovich Nesterov.
Vadim Zeland has a metaphorical and poetic vision of quantum physics. Following a series of dreams, he had established relationship between psychology and quantum physics. He is the author of the book series called Reality Transurfing. His work describes a model for the creation of one’s own reality. According to Zeland, our reality is the result of our intention.
For the sake of understanding, we will develop these two approaches in more details. Then I will propose a synthesis resulting from my clinical experience.

Nonlinear diagnostic and metatherapy
Nonlinear diagnostic is performed by nonlinear computer-aided diagnostic device that was created and developed by Professor Vladimir Igorevitch Nesterov and his scientific group based in Omsk in Siberia.
Metatron NLS is a device that analyzes frequencies of our various organs and tissues to convert them into digital data that can be “read” by software.
More than just a simple device, Metatron is a genuine therapeutic concept based on the precepts of oriental medicine and quantum physics. Due to the close relationship between magnetic fields and biological systems, it allows to perform medical checkup to incomparable degree in terms of detail enabling visualization of potential pathological processes to the level of the DNA.
Once the checkup completed, Metatherapy function (an evolution of the bioresonance) send “information” that harmonize local imbalance letting our organs and cells be at their harmonic frequencies by resonance to their symphony.
A major advantage of this technique is to act on the pre-disease states. This is a wonderful opportunity to make prophylaxis.
Our NLS device is more accurate and professional to help people check their health, especially Biophilia tracker and Meta hunter.Bioplasm machine.

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