The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

The importance of the Bioplasm NlS

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-06-27

Depending on efficiency of a purulent cavity clearing through bronchi we singled out abscesses with insufficient spontaneous draining and with free spontaneous draining. Efficiency of draining was evaluated according to quantitative ration of liquid and gaseous content and character of air distribution in a cavity of destruction. The stages are dynamic and can transform one into another depending on evacuating function of bronchi, severity of perifocal inflammation, activity of purulent-destructive process and character of cavity’s borders.

At insufficient spontaneous draining we located lesser single and multiple achromogenic signals in an abscess, which were diffusely distributed with a background of significantly prevailing liquid content. In certain cases they accumulated in one of regions in form of larger achromogenic inclusions. At long-lasting large cavity certain amount of air accumulated in its superior part, forming air inclusion. In almost 1/3 of patients with blocked abscesses and insufficient spontaneous draining of purulent cavity, we registered increasing of chromogeneity of a suspended matter in parietal areas, imitating a wall.

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