The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

We are Bioplasm nls software manufacturer in china

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-09-05

Instrumental: cycle ergometry testing of force exertion symmetry to pedals and a saddle, nonlinear (NLS) diagnostics by means of the certificated portable hardware-diagnostic complex “bioplasm nls software manufactured by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics. Unlike the Voll’s electropuncture diagnostics method where the energy potentials of the organs and systems are measured via bioactive points, with non-linear diagnostics the evaluation of the organ’s condition is done immediately based on the resonant amplification of investigated organ’s emission and reading the parameters noncontactly by of using trigger sensors.

We are Bioplasm nls software manufacturer in china,if you are interested,feel free contact me and i will give you a good price.

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