The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

You can not miss a device-Bioplasm machine

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-08-18

At Bioplasm machine-research of patients with NF in 60.0% of cases tumors have been represented by single neoplasms which were located hypodermically and intramuscularly, mainly on extensor surfaces of a body and extremities, and were not connected to main nerve trunks. In 40.0% of cases neurofibromas were located along main nerve trunks and plexuses. Some of small size tumors were detected for by Bioplasm machine-research for the first time.

Inasmuch the fact that in 9 patients affection of one segment of a body was detected, it was possible to make a preliminary diagnose: segmentary NF (NF5) at which any area of a body, as it is known, is affected. However, as it has been specified earlier, all types of NF, except NF2, are versions of NF1, but in our work we have not received signs of NF1presence at patients. Therefore the given assumption (about presence of NF5), most likely, would be incorrect. At combined type of NF, except peripheral neurofibromas, the basic symptom is the presence of central nerve system tumors, developing most frequently at the age of 20–30 years. In our work we have faced only peripheral NF cases, which affected soft tissues of extremities. However at alternative 4th or 5th type of NF numerous neurofibromas are accompanied by high risk of optic nerve glioma, neurilemmoma or meningioma development. 4 patients from studied group have been subjected to MRI of brain, at which no pathological changes were revealed at the moment of inspection. Other patients were recommended to undergo MRI of a head and, in case of any complaints and clinical manifestations, MRI of a spine for acknowledgement or denial of a central form of pathological process.

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