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who needs bioplasm nls software

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-07-04

Responsive changes, developing as a response to various pathological processes in an organism (inflammatory process, vaccination, etc.) are accompanied by affection of a lymph node, change of its capsule, damage of cortical and paracortical areas, which leads to increasing of chromogeneity; in a lymph node there can be single achromogenic “cystic” structures; abscess formation may be revealed later. It must be taken into account that changes in lymph nodes located near a tumor, may be manifested by non-specific reaction of inflammatory character.

Hyperplastic lymph nodes are most frequently of oval shape, with hyperchromogenic structure, thin slightly chromogenic frame, occupying about a third of a node. Hyperchromogenic nodes, with sometimes hypochromogenic center, occupying less than 2/3 of a node, may be both hyperplastic and metastatic-changed.

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