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Bioplasm 9d nls-investigation is absolutely safe and harmless

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-11-02

Besides, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, just like other endoscopic interventions, is not completely safe and related to a broad spectrum of complications. Serious complications, which can develop due to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography application, are responsive pancreatitis, hemorrhage from areas of major duodenal papilla, gall bladder, bile-excretory and Wirsung ducts, perforation of duodenum and bile ducts, infectious complications (purulent angiocholitis first of all). According to some authors, frequency of responsive pancreatitis development after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was 7% – 40%. Differing from ERCPG, Bioplasm 9d nls-investigation is absolutely safe and harmless.

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