The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

Bioplasm machine-picture dependence on clinical symptoms and laboratory research data

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2019-04-17

To fulfill mycological examination of a phlegm and liquid from bronchi, phlegm was gathered into a sterile container after cleaning of mouth cavity (tooth brushing, gargling with soda liquor), liquid from bronchi was gathered during bronchoscopic investigation.

To carry out histological research the authors used paraffin and frozen section, colored with haematoxylin and eosin, azure II-eosin, Gram-Weigert method, PAS-response, Grocott-Gomori method.

Precipitating antibodies to Aspergillus spp. antigens were defined applying enzyme multiplied immunoassay (EMI). A part of patients was subjected to precipitation reaction.

Total IgE and specific IgE to A.fumigatus was found using methods of radioimmunosorbent test in a nuclear medicine laboratory and enzyme multiplied immunoassay in a laboratory of allergens and allergy diagnostics. Measuring of total IgE was done in kU/l (thousands of international units in a litre, 1 unit = 2.4 ng).

fumigatus antigen was defined by latex particle agglutination mathod by Pastorex company.

Diagnostic investigation of patients included roentgenography and computed non-linear study (Bioplasm machine) of a thorax. The goal of Bioplasm machine-graphy of a thorax was to reveal and locate changed pulmonary parenchyma, detecting of symptoms typical for mycotic affection, and revealing of Bioplasm machine-picture dependence on clinical symptoms and laboratory research data.

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