The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

More people use the newest Bioplasm NLS

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-08-27

As our researches have shown, in most cases (94.5% of all studied group) bruises and ruptures of muscles are accompanied by hematomas of various forms and sizes. Only in 3 cases at microbruises of muscles sized 5-7 mm no hematomas were revealed. Intermuscular hematomas are located along muscular fibers, at Bioplasm nls-ultramicroscanning they were visualized as hyperchromogenic formations of various forms depending on location in a muscle, changing the form during physical activity. Also, it is obligatory to evaluate the integrity of investigated muscle’s own fascia for diagnostics of possible prolapse of muscular fascicles into fascia prolapse with development of a muscular hernia.

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