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Bioplasm-scanners with 4.9 GHz sensor and Bioplasm machine-ultramicroscanning mode

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-08-25

Application of Bioplasm-scanners with 4.9 GHz sensor and Bioplasm machine-ultramicroscanning mode allows to visualize damages of muscles at sports trauma with high accuracy. The following signs are typical.

1. Bioplasm machine-ultramicroscanning shows abnormal structural properties (striation) in a trauma zone, moderately hyperchromogenic linear structures (5-6 points on Fleindler’s scale), corresponding to myofibrils fascicles sheaths, are visualized.

2. Presence of hyperchromogenic and isochromogenic areas of the various sizes with indistinct contours – hematomas. Bioplasm machine-angiography has an important role in their diagnostics. Bioplasm machine-ultramicroangiography reveals affection of vascular walls in these structures. This sign allows to differentiate hematomas from tissular processes.

3. Pathological traction of injured areas is characterized by higher chromogeneity (5-6 points on Fleindler’s scale) in comparison with the intact muscular tissues.

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