The first brand manufacturer of 9D Bioplasm NLS Analyzer.

clinical-neurological diagnostics compared to bioplasm nls-research data

Author:Bioplasm  UpdateTime:2018-05-21

Clinical-neurological data was sufficient for diagnostics of ischemic or haemorrhagic stroke types (of any given localization) in 1/3 of vertebrobasilar system strokes cases (in 45 patients – 29.4%), i.e complete match of clinical diagnosis with bioplasm nls and spectral-entropy analysis data. Vertebrobasilar system stroke based on clinical-neurological data was diagnosed in 68 patients (44.4%), although type or localization within stem-cerebellar zone was not recognized, in other words, partial but quite significant difference compared to bioplasm nls data took place. Complete difference of clinical-neurological diagnostics compared to bioplasm nls-research data was found in 40 patients (26.1%), which was caused mostly by grave patient condition (unconsciousness, speech disorders, affection multiplicity, comorbidity and etc.).

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